Are You Ready To 10X Your Training?

Do You Want to Learn Realistic Skills to Defend Yourself and Your Family? 

Do You Wish You Could Train Privately With a World-Class Instructor? 

Now You CAN!

Join Garage Sessions Now!

Train like my private clients!

For many years I've had the pleasure of training small groups of dedicated students in my home.  In this way, I'm able to get to know each one and help them to achieve their goals...  Which can be fitness or martial arts related, or even in achieving a sense of safety and self-confidence in their abilities to protect themselves and their families.

As I've had the privilege to travel and teach over the last 30 years, often people have expressed to me their disappointment in not being able to take part in these classes at my home.  I've also heard frustration from many people who do not have an instructor nearby whom they can train with.  This leaves them frustrated and feeling like they are just out of luck.

Now this has all changed!

I am so HAPPY to be able to offer this opportunity for YOU to join me in my TTF Garage SessionsFor the 1st time ... As you join me in my virtual garage, you will be able to get the same training as those who are with me personally at my home!!

Core Competency Track 

My Thru The Fire Success Track™ trains you in the core skills you need to succeed.  You have this resource to train you at your convenience and your pace!

Regular Live Training 

Regularly scheduled live training answers questions, allows training together with the group, and teaches new ways to apply what you're learning!

Extraordinary Training - Available Everywhere

No place to train near your home? --No Problem!-- Now you can train when and where you want.  All you need is your device to stream your training when you are ready!

Join Garage Sessions Now!

Key benefits from this membership:

Inside you'll find my proven Thru The Fire Success Track™ which is going to guide you in exactly what you need to learn to progress in your skill level.  Not only that, it's going to guide you through the whole process of learning in an easy to follow format which allows you to grow and develop.  Now you do not need to struggle to figure out what is important to focus on ... I'm going to show you.  Stage by stage, milestone by milestone, and action item by action item, it's all laid out for you!

The Core Skill Competencies you're going to learn in the TTF Success Track™ will prepare you for the techniques, tactics, and strategies that I'll be teaching you in the live classes.

The Live Classes will address questions regarding specific situations. I will be showing real examples of attacks, and then breaking them down for you.  I'm going to suggest what you need to do to keep safe in those situations.  I'm also going to suggest techniques which can protect you, and then train you in how to become proficient in those techniques.

You're going to love the Garage Sessions Community discussion page.  Here you'll be able to interact with me and all the other members of Garage Sessions.  The wisdom and experience of the group is a powerful thing ... not to mention ... it's fun!

What Are You Waiting For?

If you're interested in being a part of a growing worldwide community whose sole interests are growing in skill, confidence, and friendships with like-minded people ...

TTF Garage Sessions is for you!

Join Garage Sessions Now!